Grad Students and Young Adults

The Grad Student and Young Adult ministry (GSYA) strives to create intentional, authentic connections with one another and with Jesus Christ. GSYA Ministry offers opportunities for prayer, service, and socializing as well as faith groups specifically for grad students and young adults.

Students from all area programs of study are welcome - you don’t have to be a WashU student to join us!


  • Faith Groups

    Interested in diving into scripture, learning how to pray with the Bible, and/or building community in the process? Join the GSYA Core Community!

  • Join a Retreat

    We offer several retreat opportunities for grad students, including the Awakening retreat in the Fall and our GSYA Deepening Retreat in the Spring.

  • Service & Social Justice

    Tackle social justice issues and serve those in our community and beyond through local volunteer opportunities, immersion experiences, and more.

  • Stay in the loop about upcoming GSYA programming and events: spirituality and professional life lunches, happy hours, Brewery or Winery visits, and more!

Popular Programming

  • Let us buy you lunch while we meet in subject-specific groups to discuss how faith plays a part in our lives.

    Check out our Events Page to save the date of our next one!

  • One of our most popular GSYA programs is our monthly Happy Hour, where we offer students and young adults the opportunity to meet up in a casual environment with drinks, snacks, and music. Bring your friends and meet some like-minded folks.

    Check out our Events Page to save the date of our next one!

  • The CSC hosts book clubs once per semester where you can dive into discussion about literature and spirituality with the rest of the awesome CSC community!

    GSYA-specific book clubs can be arranged as well based on interest.

    Contact Jen Quinn if interested!

  • For those in medical school, in a health care profession, or just curious, we have lecture & discussion with medical professionals about current ethical questions in health care.

    2024-25 Series

    • August 7 - The Catholic Vision of Health Care & The Vocation of a Physician  

    • Sep 11 - Introduction to Catholic Morality  

    • Oct 9 - Understanding Autonomy & A Catholic Understanding of Disability

    • Nov 13 - The Patient – Physician Relationship (Decision Making) 

    • Dec 11 - Understanding Conscience and Cooperation with Evil 

    • Jan 8 - Catholic Teaching on Reproductive Health 

    • Feb 12 - Discerning Ordinary v Extraordinary Care (including Nutrition & Hydration) 

    • Mar 12 - Caring at the End of Life (Palliative Care, Physician Assisted Suicide) 

    • April 9 - Determining Death & Organ Transplantation 

    • May 7 - Open Question Day

    Information on upcoming lectures will be posted on social media and on our Events Page.

Past Events Include…

  • Balloon Glow Night in Forest Park

  • Wine & Wisdom at a local winery

  • Ocktoberfest at Urban Chestnut Brewing

  • Hallmark Movie Nights

  • Float Trip

  • Wild Lights at the St. Louis Zoo

  • Garden Glow at Missouri Botanical Gardens

  • Art and Immigration MOCRA Museum Tour

  • St. Louis Art Museum SLAM Underground and Art in Bloom


Get involved and learn more about the CSC!