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The Catholic Student Center at Washington University
6352 Forsyth Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63105

Business Hours
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Building Hours*
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.-10 p.m.

(314) 935-9191

*Students are welcome to study and be at the CSC 24/7. Contact a campus minister to learn more.

Parking at the CSC

Limited parking is available in the CSC lot. We also have handicap-accessible parking spaces in front of the chapel.

If our lot is full, free parking is available at the following locations:


  • The East End underground parking garage on the Danforth campus northeast of the CSC, in front of Mallinckrodt Center, and in front of the greenhouse.

    • Visitors can park in yellow or visitor designated spaces in these locations without permit/payment.

    • DO NOT park in red zones. Parking in red spaces without a permit is not allowed at any time, and cars will be ticketed.

  • Along Forsyth on the south side and yellow spots on the north side

  • At the Forsyth School lot east of the CSC on Forsyth Blvd


  • After 5 p.m. at the East End underground parking garage on the Danforth campus northeast of the CSC (rates apply during the day)

  • In the evening at Forsyth School lot east of the CSC on Forsyth Blvd