The CSC has several annual retreat opportunities for both undergraduate students and our grad student/young adult (GSYA) community. Retreats are a fantastic way to make meaningful relationships and create space in your college life to care for yourself and your faith and relationship with God. We know students are often extremely busy with college, so we offer a range of retreats that last anywhere from a few hours, a day, a weekend, or even our Busy Person's Retreat, which sets aside an hour a day over the course of a week.
Additionally, the CSC hosts retreats for specific groups of students. Examples include for undergrads, grad students, athletes, upperclassmen, all students, etc. depending on the need. Examples of such retreats are: Wilderness Retreat, Student-Athlete Retreat, Lenten Retreats, Women's Retreats, etc.
If you are interested in a particular style of retreat, contact a campus minister!
Awakening Retreat
Awakening is a retreat designed to help you take a break from student life by focusing on your understanding your own growth, faith, and college experience.
During the retreat there are inspiring talks given by students, chances to share with others in small groups, time for prayer, reflection, recreation, and Eucharist. Some of your present ideas about God and the Church may be challenged, and you may end up feeling loved by and closer to a few more people by the end. Invite your friends — and come make new friends. Take a chance on yourself.
All students and grad students are welcome!
Sign up to join us for the Awakening Retreat: November 15-17, 2024
Freshman Escape/Sophomore Splash
Don’t miss out on our annual Escape, a beloved tradition for first years as they arrive at WashU! This year, we’re inviting Sophomores along, too, for a fun day at the lake.
This day away at a nearby lake house is a great opportunity to get off campus and take a breather at the beginning of the school year! Meet other students and relax by splashing in the water, playing games, and singing songs around the campfire. Join us for this most memorable day and jump-start your connections with others at WashU and the CSC.
Upper Room
Engage your faith in a deeply meaningful way. Live a life with intentionality and authenticity. Share your faith with hospitality and empathy. Come to the Upper Room.
In the Upper Room, we gather together, like the disciples at Pentecost, with intention, to take a deep dive into our faith, and then share our lives with others. This semester long commitment includes a retreat, one hour bi-weekly small group session, and one hour bi-weekly mentorship meeting with campus ministry staff.
The 2024 cohort has already begun, but stay tuned for the info session in Spring 2025.
Busy Person’s Retreat
Looking to take your faith seriously, but struggling to juggle coursework, extracurriculars, and relationships? Deepening your relationship with God and exploring your prayer life does not necessitate you withdrawing from your classes or becoming a hermit.
The Busy Person's Retreat works with your schedule and allows you to encounter God in the midst of your day through twenty minutes of personal prayer and a short conversation with a spiritual director each day for one week.
Come explore the ways in which God is showing up in the midst of your daily life!
Typically occurs during the spring semester. Contact a campus minister for more information!
GSYA Retreats
We also host retreats for our Grad Student & Young Adult ministry. Join the CSC on the GSYA Deepening Retreat each Spring.
It can be difficult during Grad School or Professional Life to make time to listen to God. This short retreat offers a chance to stop and pray, learn how to make space for God in your life, raise questions, & meet others with a similar interest in spirituality.
More information coming in Spring 2025!