Making the Mission Possible 

Thank you for considering a gift! You enable the CSC to prepare students to be the “light and salt” for the world.

The Catholic Student Center (CSC) is blessed to have the incredible support of our Friends, including our alumni, parents, and community members. Their gifts – whether through attending Mass, praying, donating, or volunteering – enable the CSC’s mission to thrive. This includes essential programs such as our music ministry, student retreats and Sunday Suppers, as well as maintaining our facilities and staff.

Washington University does NOT provide any financial support to the CSC. Other than a small yearly grant from the St. Louis Archdiocese’s Annual Catholic Appeal, the CSC is funded entirely through private donations.

For further information, please contact Jim Dryden at or 314-252-8118.

Ways to Give

The easiest and fastest way to give is online. You can set up a one-time donation, a recurring donation such as for Sunday Giving or donate in memory/in tribute of a loved one.

  • A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle that provides an immediate tax benefit to you as the donor and allows you to recommend grants to your favorite charities (such as the CSC). When granting through your DAF, please use the following information. While these gifts are sent to the St. Louis Archdiocese, please know 100% of the funds will go to the CSC.

    Legal Name: Archdiocese of St. Louis d/b/a Catholic Student Center of Washington University

    Tax ID: 43-0653244

  • If your employer matches charitable gifts, we hope you will consider making the CSC a beneficiary of such a match opportunity.

  • Gifts of stocks and other appreciated securities can be made through the St. Louis Archdiocese.

    Donors may electronically transfer gifts of stock from their brokerage accounts through the Depository Trust Company (DTC) directly to the Archdiocese of St. Louis’s brokerage services account at Smith, Moore.

    Please include the following information with the transfer order:

    • Donor’s name

    • Gift amount: # of shares of stock

    • Account Name: Archdiocese of St Louis

    • Organization: Catholic Student Center at Washington University

    • Federal Tax ID #: 43-0653244


    • DTC Participant #0235

    • Credit account# 89103740

    For more information, please visit the Archdiocesan Giving Page.

  • If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift directly from your IRA of up to $100,000. Benefits of this type of gift include:

    • Avoid taxes on the transfer to the CSC.

    • May satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.

    • Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions.

    • Help further the work and mission of the CSC.

  • Through the years many people have given in-kind gifts including furniture, cooking supplies, computers and other items. If you have an item that you believe would be useful to the CSC or to a student, please contact Alicia Feito to discuss further. Alicia can help determine whether the object is something that will be useful to the CSC, or whether it would be better to donate to another organization.

  • The Catholic Student Center (CSC) is pleased to partner with the Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri. This foundation helps area Catholic organizations by creating and managing endowed funds, and by administering planned giving vehicles.

    Endowed funds benefit the CSC by providing them a revenue stream in perpetuity. The CSC has an endowed fund established with the Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri. Please consider helping us build our fund. The options below detail various ways that you can make a gift that keeps giving to the CSC for years to come.

    Give Now

    • Give online at

    • By check to:
      Roman Catholic Foundation: Washington University Catholic Student Center Endowment Fund
      c/o Roman Catholic Foundation
      12 Archbishop May Drive
      St. Louis, Missouri 63119

    • By transferring marketable securities. For instructions, please contact Scott Welz at 314.918.2894 or

    Give Later

    Give to our fund through your will or trust, or name the fund as beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account by using the following: Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri (EIN 46-3309222), for the benefit of Washington University Catholic Student Center Endowment Fund.

    Give & Receive

    • Establish a Charitable Gift Annuity, receive a fixed income stream for life, and the remainder will be added to the Washington University Catholic Student Center Endowment Fund at maturity.

    • Gift your highly appreciated assets to a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, receive payments for life or a term of years, and the remainder will be added to our fund at maturity.