Support Our Mission
Your gifts enable the CSC’s mission to create happier, healthier and holier students. This includes supporting essential programs such as our music ministry, student retreats and Sunday Suppers, as well as maintaining our facilities and staff.
Washington University does NOT provide any financial support to the CSC. Other than a small yearly grant from the St. Louis Archdiocese’s Annual Catholic Appeal, the CSC is funded entirely through private donations.
General support for the CSC
Sunday giving opportunities
Memorialize or honor a person/group
Graduates giving back to the CSC
Need to Manage Your Recurring Payments?
We are using a new payment processing system to reduce expenses. If you have pre-existing recurring payments, you can access the previous payment system to make changes.
You can manage new recurring gifts and update your contact or payment information at the CSC Donor Portal.
If you have questions, contact Lisa Komp.