get involved
We could not offer the wonderful programming we do without our volunteers. A great way to involved with the CSC is by helping us serve our students and fellow community members. The CSC is always in need of those willing to donate their time for the benefit of the community, so take a moment to sign up for an opportunity below!
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Schowe, or let a member of the CSC staff know.
The Soup & Sweets Club
The Soup & Sweets Club volunteers provide students with soup and desserts following Tuesday Mass and desserts for Sunday Supper each week of the school year.
For more information and to sign up, contact the volunteer leading the Soup & Sweets Club, Diana Svec, at dksvec@yahoo.com, or click the button to learn more.
Sunday Supper Volunteers
Each Sunday, following the 4:30 Mass, the CSC hosts a meal for students. We need volunteers to help serve meals.
For more information, email Julie Schowe.
Help at Mass
We have multiple opportunities to help with Mass each Sunday including:
Greeter - Greet the congregation and help seat them in the chapel.
Lector - Read a scripture reading during Mass.
Eucharistic Minister - Serve holy communion during Mass.
Music Ministry - Sing in the choir or playing an instrument during the 11 a.m. or 4:30 p.m. Sunday Mass - see below!
For more information, email Julie Schowe.
Sing and Play with Us
Music Ministry is an integral part of the CSC. From weekly Masses to Holy Days of Obligation to special concerts, the opportunity to serve God with music is always open to CSC community members - both students and friends.
For more information, contact Joe Schoen at music@washucsc.org.
General Choir Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7 p.m.
RCIA Sponsor
RCIA sponsors join RCIA candidates on their journey to joining the Catholic Church. As a sponsor you will assist candidates in learning how they can live out their faith each and every day.
For more information please contact Deacon Jim Dryden.

CSC Garden Club
Volunteer to help keep the CSC landscape and gardens beautiful.
If interested, contact Jill Carnaghi.
Other Ways to Get Involved
Prayer & Care Team - Assist with rides, meals, visits, etc. to help other CSC members in need
Adoration Prayer Partners - Attend weekly adoration and pray for students
Children’s Liturgy - Help with children’s liturgy during 11 a.m. Mass
CSC Young Family Ministry - CSC families with young children form Core Community groups, gather for prayer, scripture discussion and other events such as, holiday parties for the kiddos
Faculty Mentors/Scholars for Students
Mass Coffee & Cakes - Set out coffee and treats after 11 a.m. Mass
New Member Outreach - Greet and welcome new CSC Friends to our community
Speaker Series Hospitality - Help set up and clean up refreshments at Speaker Series events
Stuffin’ & Stampin’ Club - Help with CSC mailing throughout the year
Welcome Table - Host a group of students for dinner or events throughout the year

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