For Parents & Families
Whether you are new or have been to the CSC before, we welcome to the family! We are here to be a resource and support for your student during their college career. Our doors are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The CSC is a place for your child to explore their faith, make friends, study or take a break from the rigor of academics. We have campus ministers, dedicated priests, and a large support community who are here for your student.
We invite you to become familiar with all of the programs, retreats and service opportunities available here. You are an integral part of your student’s life and we look forward to seeing you at Parent’s Weekend for our Liturgy & Libations event or at any of our other Masses or events throughout the year. Stop by any time - we’d love to get to know you! If you would like to hear about our Parent/Family events or receive our weekly emails, you can fill out our form to get on the list!
If you have additional questions, please contact Jim Dryden.
Liturgy & Libations
This event for parents and families of WashU students is hosted on the Saturday of WashU Parent’s Weekend. Students and their families are invited to Mass with a reception immediately after. Please refer to our calendar of events for the dates and time of Liturgy and Libations.
Baccalaureate Mass & Graduation Lunch
We host a Baccalaureate Mass for our graduates the week of Spring Commencement. When your child graduates, we hope you will join us for this special and fun Mass. Families are invited to stay afterward for a light reception. Please refer to our calendar of events for the dates and time of the Baccalaureate Mass.
Support the CSC
As you consider philanthropic giving, we hope the CSC will be on your list. We are entirely independent from Washington University and rely almost entirely on donations from individuals. Your support will help ensure the CSC continues to provide meaningful and fund experiences for the students we serve.